Message that we at The Society Nineteen Group deems necessary to share with everyone in Los Angeles and abroad. Per City of LA Office of Finance.
To all residents and businesses in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is calling on all City’s residents to start covering their face while out in public as part of an effort to combat the spread of the Coronavirus. This decision was guided by data showing that many of those infected with the virus are asymptomatic. Read more here:

It is recommended that everyone use cloth face coverings or masks in addition to physical distancing for essential activities. It is also advisable not to use surgical or N95 masks, as those should be reserved for first responders and medical workers caring for those inflicted with the virus. In anticipation of possible CDC and State implementing stricter guidelines calling for the use of non-medical masks and as an effort to help all essential businesses remain healthy while in business, we are activating manufacturers to begin offering cloth face masks. Read more here –

If you are operating an essential business, please complete the following survey as soon as possible to help us determine the needs of each business. We will notify you as soon as these masks become available for purchase from local manufacturers. If you are not certain if you are an essential business, please refer to the Mayor’s emergency “Stay at Home Order”issued on March 19, 2020. Your help during this time is greatly appreciated.
Question can be sent to Mayor’s Office of Community Business[email protected]